Fascinating insight Chris. I am late to this post …

Comment on Reflections on 30 years as a Physiotherapist by Rob Grieve.

Fascinating insight Chris. I am late to this post and also late to physio in a way. I was training as a podiatrist in London in mid 80s (House Martins and Screaming Blue Messiahs, Doc Martins) and then 6 long years in NHS enuclating corns and partial nail avulsions. I then did the first fast track pre reg MSc at Glasgow Caledonian University in mid 80s. Best decision of my life! Could not agree with you more about the gurus/ fads and weekend courses. Importantly, we question the validity of much of these and use the bits we find useful for our patients.
Recently, there has been a rejection of manual therapy and emphasis on exercise therapy. The either or approach has been detrimental in my opinion, they both have their place ( MT less so in chronic pain). Movement of any sort (motion is the lotion) fundamental to recovery with associated pschological input/ patient centered approach.
I noticed with interest your earlier fear of public speaking. As a person with a mild stammer, I had similar fears..after 18 years of university lecturing these improved significantly. I have spent many years running workshops for students with a fear of public speaking which eventually led to a book being published last year.
Regarding evidence based practice, apart from what is published (often under powered low quality) the holistic view of including patient and therapist experience as relevant evidence to guide our practice I feel is often neglected.
Thanks again for this great insight over 30 years!

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